PSG clients do not require the installation or usage of any license, however licenses are required for the server.
Here are the several types of the available different license packages:
- users number/ server
- users number and time period/ server (rental)
- enterprise (site license)
Generally, licenses are sold only by software developers in conjunction with their solutions. The PSG license can be assimilated with the final application license for the end users.
Programming Solutions Group uses a business to business model (B2B) as a licensing policy and does not sell any licenses directly to the end users.
A license management solution is provided to the PSG SDK partners, this being used to register and create client licenses for final users, based on any PSG SDK license type.
The partnership package is free and issued license costs are linked to the committed volume.
PSG SDK partners may be software developers (companies or individuals).
All licenses are related to the hardware; therefore, a new license file should be issued when changes in hardware occur. Any new license request should be carefully evaluated so that it may correspond to a reasonable time period. Hardware service or accounting documents could be requested in this case.
The licenses issuer is allowed to stop providing a new license file when the provided explanation is not confirmed by any documents. For in-house software development departments, the same model will be used, plus a partner agreement with the company as the end user.
The software is provided in the actual configuration and PSG SDK cannot be held responsible and it will not be involved in any legal disputes related to the content resulted from running the PSG platform. Please check the partner agreement for more details (link aici)
The development tools are free and here are the conditions which should be met in order to obtain free PSG server access:
PSG server is offered for free in the following circumstances:
- for development (up to 3 users/server only*), with no regard to the number of developers or server instances, when no license file required, no registration with Programming Solutions Group
- non profit charity organizations
- state or government institutions:
- public hospitals offering free services in a significant percentage and any other similar establishments
- public schools and universities
- college and university organizations - for internal use only (SAAS services offering not included).
Observation: All the previous cases are connected only with Programming Solutions Group; therefore, some fees may apply depending on the protocol with the application owners, as PSG is the development platform only.
Note: if more users are required for extended tests, such as server stress testing, a temporary developer license could be requested for free at